Intimate Space

The human body is the best picture of the human soul.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
In the Zone
This is Sean and we are back! Lets go a step further into our relationships and experience. We have been reviewing our feelings and creating a space where our relationships can thrive and flourish. Simply put we have been cultivating fertile ground to allow our relationships to blossom and succeed.
Let’s get physical
Once we have established an emotional connection between ourselves and the other/s, we can begin to establish a physical intimacy. Ultimately, we are able to begin to explore a new depth of intimacy.
On the one hand we have created a connection which encourages us to pursue and explore our bodies together. On the other hand, our bodies are simultaneously bursting with bundles of nerves and receiving input from a variety of both experiencial and historical sources. This is happening all at once on different planes of both sensory and memory responses.

Our bodies are our connection to the physical plan and allow us to experience and interpret impulses such as:
All of these things play into our interpretation of the experiences we are having. Both internal and external experiences which are then interpreted as pleasure & comfort or discomfort & pain.

Pleasure Pain Principle
Thus, it is our goal and intent to expand and encounter our partner physical reality to increase our understanding of our tangible and touchable responses to bodily input and experience.
We can do this by:
- announcing our intentions
- discussing our desires
- experimenting
- asking questions
- sharing consent
- giving responses
- checking in
- assessing the situation
- being aware
- confirming experiences
- discussing discomfort
- expressing excitement
- ….
Strictly speaking, our desire to touch and physically experience our partners and to share ourselves comes with a bit of history, experience, inexperience with new partners, and memories which color our interpretation of our physical reality and interactions.

Actually, this is true for you, for me, for our partners ourselves and the others.
The human body is the best picture of the human soul.
Wilhelm von Humboldt
Talking about our experiences, our history, our bodies and our senses can help us to better understand and support one another in our bodily encounters. And, at the same time we can encourage each other to relish and inspire these intimate encounters to transpire.
Sense & Sensible
All of our senses participate in these encounters and we will consider our senses, their influence and our interactions next time.
Hearing is a form of touch. I could hear less through the ears but more through the body.
Evelyn Glennie

This is Sean. Try letting yourself enjoy your body (and those bodies which are important to you) this week and see what happens.
.(You can always contact me for more concrete suggestions.)
Our earlier Blog-Lessons: