Setting the Tone
If you’re presenting yourself with confidence, you can pull off pretty much anything.
Katy Perry
This is Sean! Here we are again! After exploring our senses and our sensibilities!
We have spent quite a bit of time looking at our preferences and considering our potential and our partners in our relationships.
Express yourself
Now, we are ready to talk about us! In other words, how we express ourselves is our focus this time around.
Whether we are meeting someone for the very first time, hooking up, or spending time with our spouse, a big part of our experience has to do with how we present ourselves in the moment.
On the one hand we want to make a good impression, most of the time. On the other hand, we want to be authentically ourselves, most of the time. So the question is, how do we do that?
Worth Repeating
Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.
Bruce Lee
Lets start with a few techniques that we have reviewed before (28), are still relevant and worth repeating:
- Smile
- Make Eye Contact
- Ask Questions
- Listen Actively
- Make “I” Statements
- Put Down Your Phone
- Face your Partner
- Pay Attention
- Be in the Moment
- Be aware of your Posture
By introductions and first meetings, repeating the other person’s name makes it is easier to remember!
As we get to know people better and more intimately our interest and attention tend to increase. At the same time, we are often being our “best” selves and making an effort to create rapport and build a connection.
Simply put, we are constantly creating and maintaining relationships with those around us. How these relationships develop is up to us and our “partners”.
All of our words, actions and experiences accumulate of a life time to help create and establish each of us in our own uniqueness and individuality.
Who’s who?
How we are perceived by others is affected by us, our intentions, words, and actions. Consider the following: Do you..
- like
- yourself?
- your
- home?
- family?
- friends?
- company?
- relationship(s)?
- job?
- body?
- hobbies?
- your life?
- enjoy
- yourself?
- your –
- home?
- family?
- friends?
- company?
- relationship(s)?
- job?
- body?
- free time?
- your life?
If we do, that is great. If we don’t, we might want to think about why not and if we want to make some changes.
I Feel you
Either way, we express these feelings in our voices, actions, and posture.
Our intentions can be lost or masked in our enthusiasm or frustration, when we are not clear and authentic with ourselves.
More next time, This is Sean. Share something special with yourself (and with those who are important to you) this week and see what happens.
(Contact me at for more concrete suggestions.)
Our earlier Blog-Lessons:
1–2–3–4–5–6–7–8–9–10–11–12–13–14–15–16–17–18–19–20–21–22–23–24–25–26–27–28–29–30–31–32–33–34–35–36–37–38–39–40–41–42–43–44–45–46–47–48–49–50– 51 –52