Healthy Happy Intimate Adult Relationship, Uncategorized

Healthy Happy Intimate HHIA Relationships 60

Maintaining the Vibe


Caring: having a liking, or fondness; feeling trouble or anxiety; having an inclination; feeling interest or concern

Paraphrased from Merriam Webster

This is Sean back again! We are here discovering are communication possibilities while seeking company, devotion,and tenderness in HHIA relationships.   

In other words, we are imagining who we can be and what we can share with each other in our quest for love and understanding.

Truthfully, we care about a lot of people. We care about our friends, family, coworkers, “love” interests and ourselves and not necessarily in this order. ?

Photo by  Christopher Risch on Scopio

Different Levels

You can’t have it all, all at once. Who – man or woman – has it all, all at once? Over my lifespan, I think I have had it all. But in different periods of time, things were rough. And if you have a caring life partner, you help the other person when that person needs it.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Caring encompasses four different levels of experience and existence:

  • Physical – We care about physical safety, nourishment and comfort.
  • Mental – We care about thoughts ideas, and communication.
  • Emotional – We care about the feelings, intuition and nurturing of ourselves and others.
  • Spiritual – We care about our spirits, souls, creativity and/or inner peace.  

Quite frankly, our current relationship reality is less significant than our desire for connection and courtesy.

In other words, our caring for one another is real, genuine and significant. Caring affects how we feel, experience and react to each other. Simultaneously, we are able to improve our relationships through communication.  

On the one hand, acknowledgment of our caring can help us to better understand our own feeling and reactions. On the other hand, this only helps us and not our friends, family or significant others.

Photo by Марина Ефанова on Scopio

A simple turn of a phrase can seem insignificant, cheesy, or simply over-simplified. At the same time, they can still be true, for example:

“Sharing is Caring!”

In this vein we can talk about sharing being a fundamental aspect of caring as well as the notion that caring is sharing, as well.   

I believe in the power of ideas. I believe in the power of sharing knowledge.

Ory Okolloh

And how exactly do we share our caring? Here are a few possibilities:

  • A Kiss
  • Touching
  • A Hug
  • Offering Help or Support
  • Sharing
  • Taking Time
  • Making Space
  • Having a Conversation
  • Giving a Compliment
  • Saying Hello
  • Listening
  • Holding on
  • Letting go
  • Paying Attention… and responding in kind.

Sharing our “caring” includes paying attention to our friends, family and significant others and responding in a supportive and beneficial manner.

Photo by Kenji Tanimura on Scopio

Ourselves & Others

This does not mean ignoring our desires or interests. Frankly, caring encourages us to communicate and reveal ourselves to one another deepening and strengthening our connections.    

Caring starts with ourselves and our desires and interests. In relationship caring is chiefly focused on our partners and significant others. When we care we want the best for them. At the same time, we also want the best for ourselves. Sharing helps us to find and or discover the best for both of us.

That’s all for now!

This is Sean. Care & Share a little more this week (with yourself and with those who are important to you) this week and see what happens.

(Contact me at for more concrete suggestions.)

Our earlier Blog-Lessons: