This is Sean here. And we are exploring how we communicate and develop while searching for companionship, dedication, love, and HHIA relationships.
In other words, we are contemplating who we are and what we share with each other.
People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.
Zig Ziglar
Our entire lives, we have been in relationships. (1)
First with our:
- Mothers
- Fathers
- Parents
- Sisters
- Brothers
- Siblings
- Families
- Cousins
- Grandparents
- Teachers
- Neighbors
- Classmates …
Simply speaking, we have been learning and creating relationships the whole time without awareness, intention or effort.
On the one hand we have been absorbing and experiencing relationship all around us. On the other hand we were never really given the opportunity to learn how to create the relationships we want and need.
The knowledge, skills and understanding needed to create and develop the relationship that encourage and support our individual growth, success and happiness.
Additionally, we experience social and cultural pressure to perform and present our personalities and achievements, rather than express and trust ourselves honestly and openly with vulnerability and openness.
Out & About
As adults we are coaxed into leaving our parental home and explore the world, outside our comfort zones and our familial security. In this time of growth and discovery, we find ourselves yearning for understanding, comfort and support from those around us.
Consequently, we begin to create new relationships and deal with both ourselves and others. All the while we are seeking approval, love and affection.
Our experience with ourselves, others and the world around us can be challenging and less than perfect. Ultimately, most of us discover:
- Insecurity
- Fears
- Anxiety
- Nervousness
- Worries
- Angst
- Concerns
These in turn are expressed in our relationships to others and towards ourselves. In their expression we often experience unsatisfying and uncomfortable conversations and interactions with others which can reinforce our negative expectations. With practice, we can learn to communicate, trust and release the above as our awareness and relationships mature.
Simply put, our understanding of the world and ourselves blossoms and we strive for a stable foundation on which we can create new communication skills and approaches which support and encourage our happy healthy adult intimate (HHIA) relationships
That’s all for now!
This is Sean. Think a bit about your motivations (and the motivations of those who are important to you) this week and see what happens.
(Contact me at for more concrete suggestions.)
Our earlier Blog-Lessons:
1–2–3–4–5–6–7–8–9–10–11–12–13–14–15–16–17–18–19–20–21–22–23–24–25–26–27–28–29–30–31–32–33–34–35–36–37–38–39–40–41–42–43–44–45–46–47–48–49–50– 51– 52–53 –54– 55–56 –57–58